Here are some highlights from Mitchell's successful Sandwich Tuesday event, Nov 29, 12016:
- 25 Mitchell students along with parents attended
- 70 lunches made for Generic Ministry volunteers to deliver to homeless in Boston
- Students and parents toured the Generic Ministry van with Mitchell parent and GM volunteer Kristen Collins to see how Generic Ministry supports the many needs of homeless people in Boston
Check out all the photos
Pie in the Sky Fundraiser
- 112 pies bought by Mitchell families, raising $3,355 for the Community Servings organization
- The $3,355 raised will enable Community Servings to support 112 critically ill homebound clients & their families for one week, or one client and family for 1/3 of the year
Pie in the Sky card making event
- 13 Mitchell students attended with parents
- Community Servings educational video watched by all
- The students created 45 creative, colorful and cheerful holiday and get well cards for Community Servings to provide to their clients this holiday season
Check out all the photos