Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hillside Studemts Collect Ffood for the Needham Food Pantry

The third graders at Hillside regularly collect food for the Needham Food Pantry.  During the month of December, Mrs. Dummett's class delivered these items to the Community Council.  They packed and unpacked a van full of twenty five bags of nonperishables! In order to learn about the Needham Community Council and its services.

 The third graders then took a tour of the Community Council given by Sandy Robinson, learning about how the people of Needham help each other out during hard times. Just before the winter break, Mrs. Dummett's and Mrs. Hsu's classes decorated holiday bags to fill with various personal care items.  These items were also donated by Hillside students.  The bags were then delivered to various senior centers in town.

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